Polish Polar Station “Hornsund” .

The full tittle is: “The impact of extreme climatic parameters on the formation of a utility building. Polar Station Hornsund at Spitsbergen.”

The main purpose of the project was to design a structure that:

1. Is “friendly” for people who live in it while being away from home during the work at the polar station.

2. Uses simple solutions for design and construction - it allows to minimalize the time for the construction and simplifies the construction process in difficult and harsh weather conditions.

3. Statnions solutions are based on the principles of sustainable development.

The building has three main parts: accomodation, mother station and workshop.

The additional parts are: sport area, kitchen area, garbage incinerator building, power source building and water/fuel tanks.

Because of the modular plan - particular parts of the building can be disconnected from the energy source when there is no need for the whole space to be used.


House in Głosków